Pengertian Dan Contoh Kalimat Conjunction (Kata Hubung) Terbaru 2016 Dan Latihan Soal

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Pengertian Dan Contoh Kalimat Conjunction (Kata Hubung) Terbaru 2016 Dilengkapi Latihan Soal

Hai sahabat SBI (Study bahasa Inggris), How are you doing ? Apa yang sedang kalian lakukan saat ini…. Apakah kalian sedang memikirkan materi bahasa Inggris yang bagi sebagian siswa/siswi menjadi momok untuk dipelajari? Namun kali ini saya akan berbagi pengetahuan mengenai materi structure grammar yang berkaitan tentang penghubung antara clause dengan kalimat lainnya. Yap benar sekali, pada kesempatan ini, saya akan membahas “Pengertian dan Contoh Kalimat Conjunction”, lalu apa sih conjunction itu? Yuk kita simak dalam uraian di bawah ini :

Konjungsi atau kata penghubung berfungsi menghubungkan kata dengan kelompok kata atau kelompok kata dalam suatu kalimat. Konjungsi dapat dibedakan menjadi dua macam yaitu coordinate conjunctions (konjungsi setara) dan subordinate conjunctions atau konjungsi bertingkat.

Konjungsi setara (co-ordinate conjunction) seperti misalnya and, but, or and nor. Jenis konjungsi  ini menghubungkan kata benda dengan kata benda, kata kerja dengan kata kerja, kelompok kata dengan kelompok kata, klausa dengan klausa dan sebagainya.

Contoh :

  • I lost my books and my pens.
  • She didn’t go to Semarang and Surabaya.

Konjungsi seperti di atas dapat digabungkan dengan kata-kata lain seperti misalnya : both….and, not only…….but also, either…..or….., neither…..nor……..

Dalam artikel ini akan di bahas mengenai Konjunsi Bertingkat ( subordinate conjunction) :

  1. Accordingly = therefore= karena itu
    Contoh : Gadjah Mada University is a famous university in Indonesia; accordingly many students want to study there.
  1. After all = bagaimanapun juga
    Contoh : There are many good schools; after all our school is the best.
  1. All the same = however = nevertheless = namun demikian
    Contoh : The government has given them a new market places; all the same some of them keep selling their things at the dirty place.
  1. Consequently = as result = akibat
    Contoh : His father died five years ago; consequently, all the responsibilities  to raise the children fell on his mother.
  1. For = since = because = as = karena
    Contoh : Everyone is looking for him, for he is the only person who knows where the key is.
  1. Hence = karena alasan itu, dengan demikian, mulai saat ini
    Contoh : We were born when his parents worked in Iran, hence he is named Irianto.
  1. In order that = so that = sehingga
    Contoh : We must study hard; in order that we can pass the exam.
  1. In case = kalau – kalau
    Contoh : You’d better take an umbrella; in case it rains.
  1. In the meantime= meanwhile = sementara itu
    Contoh : Go to the stop and buy me a magazine; in the meantime, I will take a bath.
  1. Moreover = further more= lagi pula
    Contoh : She is beautiful moreover She is very kind.
  1. Namely = yaitu
    Contoh : There is only one student who fails the exam, namely Lena.
  1. While = whereas= sedangkan
    Contoh : He likes coffee very much while I don’t.
  1. On the other hand= on the contrary = sebaliknya
    Contoh : He loves music; on the other hand his father hates very much.
  1. Otherwise = unless= jika tidak
    Contoh : Please study hard; otherwise you’ll fail the exam.
  1. Say = taruhlah
    Contoh : Can you lend me money; Say five thousand rupiahs?

Latihan Soal :

1. ______you already know mary, you should go to meet her at the airport

a. so
b. so that
c. when
d. since

2. He is learning English ______ he can get a better and more interesting job.

a. so that
b. and
c. since
d. what

3. I’m going to buy a new Beetle, ______ I do think they are over-priced.

a. since
b. and
c. although
d. but

4. I don’t know ______ I’ll be back.

a. so
b. so that
c. when
d. since

5. We’re not making much profit ______ we need to raise our prices.

a. so
b. and
c. although
d. what

[su_spoiler title=”Key Answer” style=”simple” icon=”caret”]

  1. d. since
  2. a. so that
  3. c. although
  4. c. When
  5. a. so


Demikianlah materi yang saya sampaikan pada kesempatan ini, semoga dapat bermanfaat untuk sahabat SBI (Study bahasa Inggris).. Ingatlah selalu jika prestasi tak dapat diraih tanpa semangat. Keep Fighting !!!

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