Materi TEFL : Pengertian dan Contoh Daily Activity Class For TEFL Dalam Bahasa Inggris

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Pengertian TEFL dan Contoh Daily Activity Class For TEFL Dalam Bahasa Inggris

TEFL (Teaching English as Foreign Lenguage) adalah materi bahasa inggris yang mengajarkan bahasa inggris sebagai bahasa asing karena konteksnya bahasa inggris merupakan bahasa yang bukan bahasa dalam negeri atau bukan bahasa dasar di Indonesia oleh karena itu dalam materi TEFL disebutkan bahasa asing.

Pada kesempatan ini, saya ingin berbagi pengalaman saat sedang study di salah satu Universitas program study English Education. Saya akan share mengenai TEFL , Theory ketika kita melakukan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Apa saja metode pengajaran dalam bahasa Inggris ? Yuk simak dalam “Daily Activity Class For TEFL” berikut ini :

[su_spoiler title=”March, 22 nd 2011” style=”fancy” open=”yes”]

March, 22 nd 2011.

The first meeting in tefl class, we discuss about Content Based Intruction. We are studying it in March 22nd 2011. This title is the first presentation. In presentation, the presenter tell us about aspects of the learning, such as : Background theory, Approach : the theory of language, Theory of learning, Design of teaching:  objective of the method, Syllabus, Types of learning and teaching activities, Learner’s roles, Teacher roles, Roles of instructional, Procedure, Conclusion.

Based on aspects, they tells us about summarize the materials in the box as concise, and clear as possible . And then, in background theory is the teaching of content or information in the language being learned with title or no direct or explicit effort to teach the language it self separately from the content being taught. ( Krahnke, 1987:65). The language that is being taught could be used to present subject matter and the students would learn the language as a by product of learning about real world content. Widdowson commented ( 1978 : 6).

Next, they give explain theory of language. That approach in number of assumptions about the nature of language underline content based intruction. Language is text  and discourse based;Language use draws on intregrated skills; language is purposeful. In theory of learning, The use of informational content which is perceived as relevant by the learner is assumed by many to increase motivation in the language course and thus to promote more effective learning ( Brinton et al 1989 : 3 ).

But, in design of teaching about objective of the method It is possible for theme based courses to be directed toward single skill objectives ; however most often theme based intruction lends itself well to four skill courses, since the topic selected provides coherence and continuity across skill areas and allows work on higher level language skill ( e.g integrating reading and writting skills ), ( Brinton et al 1989 : 26).

Lets look on syllabus that Later modules deal with more tehnical processes and assume mastery of certain skills, vocabulary,structure and concepts ( Briton et al 1989 : 35). The final activities of each module require the students themselves to choose the language appropriate for the situation and use it in communicative interaction ( Brinton : 1989 : 34 ).

In this method have types of learning and teaching activities like There are a number of description of activity types in CBI Stoller ( 1977) provides of list of activities classified according to their intructional focus.

Besides of types learning and teaching activities, it can see Learner’s roles that One goal of CBI is for learners to become autonomous so that they come to “ understand their own learning process and  take charge of their own learning from the very start ( Stryker and Leaver 1993 : 286 ). Learner themselves to choose maybe sources of content and join participants in the selection of topics and activities. Such participation has been found to be highly motivating and has resulted in a course changing its direction in order to better meet the needs of students ( Stryker and Leaver 1993 : 11 ) .

Like Learner’s roles, in this method have teacher roles. They must be knowledge able in the subject matter and able to elicit taht knowledge from their students ( Styker and Leaver 1993 : 292 ). At more detiled level teachers have to keep context and comprehensibility foremost in their planning and presentation , they are responsible for selecting and adapting authentic materials for use in class, they become students need analysis and they have to create truly learner – centered classrooms. As Brinton ( 1989 : 3 ).

The instructional material have been roles, Many CBI practicioners recomended the use of realia such as tourist guidebooks, technical journals, railway timetable , newspaper, ads, radio and TV , broadcast and soon . and at last one causion that “textbook are contrary to the very concept of CBI and good language teaching in general “ (Stryker and Leaver 1993 :295). However, comprehensebillity is as critical as authenticity and it has been pointed out that CBI courses are often “ characterized by a heavy use of intructional media.

Next, we talks about the procedure of this method. Descibe a typical sequence of clasroom procedure in a content –bassed lesson . the lesson is in Spanish lesson built around the viewing of the film EI Norte . Stryker and Leaver ( 1997:198-199).

Preliminary preparation : students read references materials regarding U.S immigration laws as well as an extract from Octavio paz’s El Laberinto de la Soledad.

  1. Linguistic analysis : discussion of grammar and vocabulary based on students’ analysis of oral presentation done the day before.
  2. Preparation for film : activities previewing vocabulary in the film, including a vocabulary worksheet.
  3. Viewing a segment on the movie.

To sum up of this method, Its advocates claim that it leads to more succesful program customes than alternative language teaching approaches . because its offer oportuniting for teacher to match students interest and needs with interesting and meaningful content, if offer many practical advantages for teacher and course designers Brinton et al ( 1989:2).

[su_spoiler title=”March, 29 th 2011.” style=”simple”]

March, 29 th 2011.

The next meeting in tefl class, we discuss about Audio Lingual Method. We are studying it in March 29th 2011. This title is the second presentation. In presentation, the presenter tell us about aspects of the learning, such as : : Background theory, Approach : the theory of language, Theory of learning, Design of teaching:  objective of the method, Syllabus, Types of learning and teaching activities, Learner’s roles, Teacher roles, Roles of instructional, Procedure, Conclusion.

Based on aspects, they tells us about summarize the materials in the box as concise, and clear as possible. And then, in background theory in The Audio Lingual Method like the Direct method we have just examined is also an oral based approach. However , is it very different in that rather than emphasizing vocabulary acquisition through exposure to its use in situation, the Audio Lingual Method drills students in the use of grammatical sentence patterns. It also , unlike the Direct Method, has a strong theoritical base in linguistic and phychology.

Next, they give explain theory of language. That approach in the Structural view of language is the view behind the audio-lingual method. Particular emphasis was laid on mastering the building blocks of language and learning the rules for combining them.In theory of learning devide into Behaviorism, including the following principles:

      language learning is habit-formation.

·        mistakes are bad and should be avoided, as they make bad habits.

·        language skills are learned more effectively if they are presented orally first, then in written form.

But, in design of teaching about objective of the method here are some of the objectives of the audio-lingual method :

·         accurate pronunciation and grammar.

·       ability to respond quickly and accurately in speech situations.

·         knowledge of sufficient vocabulary to use with grammar patterns.

Lets look on syllabus that  Audiolingualism uses a structural syllabus. In this method have types of learning and teaching activities like  

1.      Dialog Memorization.

2.      Backward Build Up.

3.      Transformation Drill.

4.      Complete the Dialog.

5.      Dictation.

6.      Flashcards.

Besides of types learning and teaching activities, it can see Learner’s roles that  Providing students with a good model for imitation.Students are imitators. Like Learner’s roles, in this method have teacher roles that the teacher is like an orchestra leader.

The instructional material have been roles that Dialogues are the basic form of instructional materials in the Audio lingual method. The dialogue serves three functions: a) illustrates the target structure;

b) illustrates the situation the structure may be used; and

c) provides cultural information for language use wherever possible.

Next, we talks about the procedure of this method devide into :

·         Students hear a model dialogue.

·         Students repeat each line of the dialogue.

·         Certain key words or phrases may be changed in the dialogue.

To sum up of this method In Audio-Lingual Method the teacher want their students to be able to use the target language communicatively. In order to do this, they believe students need to overlearn the target language, to learn to use it automatically without stopping to think.

[su_spoiler title=”April, 5th 2011.” style=”simple”]

April, 5th 2011.

The third meeting in tefl class, we discuss about Silent Way Method. We are studying it in April 5th 2011. This title is the third presentation. In presentation, the presenter tell us about aspects of the learning, such as : : Background theory, Approach : the theory of language, Theory of learning, Design of teaching:  objective of the method, Syllabus, Types of learning and teaching activities, Learner’s roles, Teacher roles, Roles of instructional, Procedure, Conclusion.

Based on aspects, they tells us about summarize the materials in the box as concise, and clear as possible. And then, in background theory in The silent way(SW), a method of language teaching, originated in the early 1970s and introduced by Caleb Gattegno, who, an Europe educator, is well known for the use of colored sticks called cuisenaire rods and for his approach to the Teaching of initial reading in which   sounds are taught by colors.

Next, they give explain theory of language that  approach of structural syllabus is used to organize the language to be taught. Language is seen as groups of sounds arbitrarily associated with meanings and organized into sentences by grammar rules. Language is taught artificially through artificial situations. In theory of learning, According to Gattegno; Learning is a problem-solving, creative and discovering activity in which the learner is a very important and principle actor rather than a passive listener. Learning will be more motivating and permanent if physical objects such as rods and wall-charts are used. These objects gather students’ attention and create memorable images for student recall. At the beginning, the teacher needs to look for progress, not perfection, Learning takes place in time. Students learn at different rates. But, in design of teaching about objective of the method that the general objective of the Silent Way is to give beginning level student’s oral and aural facility in basic elements of the target language. Gattegno discusses the following kinds of the objectives as appropriate for a language course at an elementary level ( Gattegno 1972 : 81 – 83 ). Students should be able to correctly and easy answer question about themselves ,theory education , their family , travel and daily events. Lets look on syllabus that the Silent Way adopts a basically structural syllabus, with lessons planned around grammatical items and related vocabulary. Gattegno does not, however, provide details as to the precise selection and arrangement of grammatical and lexical items to be covered. There is no general Silent Way syllabus.

In this method have types of learning and teaching activities like The teacher models a word, phrase, or sentence and then elicits learner responses. Learners then go on to create their own utterances by putting together old and new information.Charts, rods, and other aids may be used to elicit learner responses.

Besides of types learning and teaching activities, it can see Learner’s roles that The learner is expected to become ‘independent, autonomous, and responsible’ in language. Learners are expected to interact with each other and suggest alternatives to each other. They must learn to work cooperatively rather than competitively. The teacher’s silence encourages group cooperation. In order not to miss what the teacher says, learners must give the teacher their attention. Learner-attention is a key to learning. Like Learner’s roles, in this method have teacher roles that the teacher should be silent as much as possible in the classroom to encourage the learner to produce as much language as possible. The teacher is expected to create an environment that encourages student’s risk taking that facilitates learning. The teacher should give only what help is necessary. In other words, the teacher makes use of what students already know.

The instructional material have been roles that Teachers are responsible for designing teaching sequences and creating individual lessons. For example :

1) Colored-Cuisenaire Rods.

2) Pronunciation Charts (Fidel Charts).

3) Vocabulary Charts.

4) Metal Pointer.

Next, we talks about the procedure of this method that A Silent way lesson typically follows a standard format. The first part of the lesson focuses on pronunciation. Depending on student level, the class might work on sounds, phrases, or even sentences designated on the Fidel chart.

To sum up of this method Despite the philosophical and sometimes almost metaphysical quality of much of Gattegno’s writings, the actual practices of the Silent Way are much less revolutionary than might be expected.

[su_spoiler title=”April, 12nd 2011” style=”simple”]

April, 12nd 2011

The next meeting in tefl class, we discuss about Desuggestopedia. We are studying it in April,12nd 2011. This title is the four presentation. In presentation, the presenter tell us about aspects of the learning, such as : : Background theory, Approach : the theory of language, Theory of learning, Design of teaching:  objective of the method, Syllabus, Types of learning and teaching activities, Learner’s roles, Teacher roles, Roles of instructional, Procedure, Conclusion.

Based on aspects, they tells us about summarize the materials in the box as concise, and clear as possible . And then, in background theory is an approach to education whose primary objective is to tap the extraordinary reserve capacities we all possess but rarely if ever use. This method utilises techniques from many sources of research into how best we can learn. The Bulgarian scientist, Dr. GeorgiLozanov, for example, has demonstrated that through  a carefully “orchestrated” learning environment including most importantly a specially-trained teacher, the learning process can be accelerated by a factor of three to ten times enjoyably.

Next, they give explain theory of language that approach Suggestopedia does not adopt any theory of language. The emphasis on assumptions of vocabulary pairs – a target language item and its native language translation. Lozanov recommends how study of recordings of whole meaning texts could become interesting, that is, the texts should be lightened stories with emotional content. In theory of learning, Lozanov’s view:

·         Suggestopedia is not the “narrow clinical concept of hypnosis as a kind of static, sleep like, altered state of consciousness”

·        His nethod is different from hypnosis and other forms of mind control: These other forms lack “a desuggestive-suggestive sense” and “fail to create a constant set up to reserve through concentrative psycho-relaxation”

Authority: people remember best and are most influenced by information coming from an authoritative source.

But, in design of teaching about objective of the method, the teacher gives the students the impression that learning is easy and enjoyable. Teacher will introduce a story as related in the dialog and call the students’ attention to some particular grammatical points that arise in it, she reads the dialog in the target language. Music is played. The teacher begins a slow, dramatic reading, synchronized in intonation with the music. The music is classical and the teacher’s voice rises and falls with the music.

Lets look on syllabus that be sure to refer back to the class syllabus to see how your Reflection will be evaluated. In this method have types of learning and teaching activities like :

·         Classroom atmosphere—decoration & posters.

·          A new name and occupation—to dispel fear or anxiety.

·         Handout—for advanced students.

·          No test, no assignment.

·         Conversation with translation in music—to activate the’whole brain’ of the students.

·         Games, songs, role play—to strengthen the material.

Besides of types learning and teaching activities, it can see the students’ role:

1.relaxed—following the teacher’s instruction easily .

2.role play—enjoying in the new identity freely.

Like Learner’s roles, in this method have teacher roles, are :

1.      authority—being confident  and trustable.

2.      security—affording a cheerful classroom atmosphere.

The instructional material have been roles, a new vocabulary and structural patterns are presented through dialogs. Dialogs– learning through imitation and repetition

Positively reinforced. Grammar is induced from the examples.

Next, we talks about the procedure of this method that the teacher gives the students the impression that learning is easy and enjoyable.

To sum up of this method, Desuggastopedia is a method that helps you to tap into the mental reserve capacities and it is an approach to education whose primary objective is to tap the extraordinary reserve capacities we all possess but rarely if ever use. The suggestive-desuggestive process allows students to go beyond previously held beliefs and self-limiting concepts concerning the learning process and learn great quantities of material with ease and enjoyment.

[su_spoiler title=”April, 19th 2011.” style=”simple”]

April, 19th 2011.

The five  meeting in tefl class, we discuss about Community Language Learning. We are studying it in April 19th 2011. This title is the five presentation. In presentation, the presenter tell us about aspects of the learning, such as : Background theory, Approach : the theory of language, Theory of learning, Design of teaching:  objective of the method, Syllabus, Types of learning and teaching activities, Learner’s roles, Teacher roles, Roles of instructional, Procedure, Conclusion.

Based on aspects, they tells us about summarize the materials in the box as concise, and clear as possible . And then, in background theory is CLL isn’t a new idea. It was developed in the 60s by Charles Curran as a principled attempt to democratise the relationship between learners and teachers in the classroom. CLL is an innovative approach that Brown ( 1994: 58) list as one of the” Designer’ Methods of the Spirited Seventies”. It is certainly unique in that it is one of the first methods to be developed that really focused on the feelings of the students and tried to address affective factors in learning ( particulary for adult learners). It was also the first method to combine the field language learning with the dynamics and principles of counseling.

Next, they give explain theory of language. The communicative approach in language teaching starts from a theory of language as communication. The goal of language teaching is to develop what Hymes (1972) referred to as “communicative competence.” Hymes coined this term in order to contrast a communica­tive view of language and Chomsky’s theory of competence.

In theory of learning contrast to the amount that has been written in Communicative Language Teaching literature about communicative dimensions of language, little has been written about learning theory. Neither Brumfit and Johnson (1979) nor Littlewood (1981), for example, offers any discus­sion of learning theory. Elements of an underlying learning theory can be discerned in some CLT practices, however. One such element might be described as the communication principle: Activities that involve real communication promote learning.

But, in design of teaching about objective of the method Piepho (1981) discusses the following levels of objectives in a communicative approach:

1. an integrative and content level (language as a means of expression).

2. a linguistic and instrumental level (language as a semiotic system and an object of   learning);

3. an affective level of interpersonal relationships and conduct (language as a means of expressing values and judgments about oneself and others);

Lets look on syllabus that Discussions of the nature of the syllabus have been central in Communicative Language Teaching. We have seen that one of the first syllabus models to be proposed was described as a notional syllabus (Wilkins 1976), which specified the semantic-grammatical categories (e.g., frequency, motion, location) and the categories of communicative function that learners need to express.

In this method have types of learning and teaching activities like the range of exercise types and activities compatible with a commu­nicative approach is unlimited, provided that such exercises enable learn­ers to attain the communicative objectives of the curriculum, engage learners in communication, and require the use of such communicative processes as information sharing, negotiation of meaning, and interaction. Classroom activities are often designed to focus on completing tasks that are mediated through language or involve negotiation of in­formation and information sharing.

Besides of types learning and teaching activities, it can see Learner’s roles that Learners are expected to listen attentively to the knower, to freely provide meanings they wish to express, to repeat target utterances without hesitation, to support fellow members of the community, to report deep inner feelings and frustrations as well as joy and pleasure, and to become counselors to other learners.

Like Learner’s roles, in this method have teacher roles. In CLL was primarily design for monolingual conversation classes where the teacher counsellor would be able to speak the learners’. The interaction was that it would integrate translation so that the students would disassociate language learning with risk’s a method that is based on english for communcation and is extremely learner-focused.

The instructional material have been roles, A wide variety of materials have been used to support communicative approaches to language teaching. Unlike some contemporary methodologies, such as Community Language Learning, practitioners of Com­municative Language Teaching view materials as a way of influencing the quality of classroom interaction and language use.

Next, we talks about the procedure of this method Communicative Language Teaching is best considered an approach rather than a method. Thus although a reasonable degree of theoretical con­sistency can be discerned at the levels of language and learning theory, at the levels of design and procedure there is much greater room for individual interpretation and variation than most methods permit. It could be that one version among the various proposals for syllabus models, exercise types, and classroom activities may gain wider approval in the future, giving Communicative Language Teaching a status similar to other teaching methods. On the other hand, divergent interpretations might lead to homogeneous subgroups.

To sum up of this method, Communicative Language Teaching appeared at a time when British language teaching was ready for a paradigm shift. Situational Language Teaching was no longer felt to reflect a methodology appropriate for the seventies and beyond. CLT appealed to those who sought a more humanistic approach to teaching, one in which the interactive processes of communication received priority.

[su_spoiler title=”April, 26th 2011.” style=”simple”]

April, 26th 2011.

The next meeting in tefl class, we discuss about Total Physical Response. We are studying it in April 26th 2011. This title is the six  presentation. In presentation, the presenter tell us about aspects of the learning, such as : Background theory, Approach : the theory of language, Theory of learning, Design of teaching:  objective of the method, Syllabus, Types of learning and teaching activities, Learner’s roles, Teacher roles, Roles of instructional, Procedure, Conclusion.

Based on aspects, they tells us about summarize the materials in the box as concise, and clear as possible . And then, in background theory, TPR is a laguage teaching method built around the coordination of speech and action ; it attempts to teach language through physical ( motor ) actvity. Develped by James Asher , a profesor of psychology at San Jose State University, California. It draws on several traditions , including developmental phychology, learning theory and humaistic pedagogy, as well as on language teaching procedures proposed by Horald and Dorothy Palmer in 1952.

Next, they give explain theory of language. Asher does not directly discuss the nature of language or how language are organized. However, the labeling or ordering of TPR classroom drills seem to be built on assumptions that we much to structuralize or grammar based views of language. Asher states that “ most of the grammatical structure of the target language and hundreds of vocabulary items can be learned from the skillful use of the imperative by the instructor” ( 1977:4) He views the verb and particulary the verb in the imperative , as the central linguistic motif around which language use and learning are organized.

In theory of learning, Asher’s language learning theoris are reminiscent of the views of other behavioral psychologists. For example the psychologist Arthur Jensen proposed a seven stage model to describe the development of verbal learning in children.

But, in design of teaching about objective of the method Asher’s language learning theoris are reminiscent of the views of other behavioral psychologists. For example the psychologist Arthur Jensen proposed a seven stage model to describe the development of verbal learning in children.

Lets look on syllabus that in the type of syllabus Asher uses can be inferred from an analysis of the exercise types employed in TPR classes. This analysis reveals the use of a sentence-based syllabus, with grammatical and lexical criteria being primary in selecting teaching items. TPR uses a sentence-based grammatical syllabus.

In this method have types of learning and teaching activities like Imperative drills are the major classroom activity in Total Physical Re­sponse. They are typically used to elicit physical actions and activity on the part of the learners. Other class activities include role plays and slide presentations. Role plays center on everyday situations, such as at the restaurant, supermarket, or gas station. The slide presentations are used to provide a visual center for teacher narration, which is followed by commands, and for questions to students.

Besides of types learning and teaching activities, it can see Learner’s roles that Learners in Total Physical Response have the primary roles of listener and performer. They listen attentively and respond physically to com­mands given by the teacher. Learners are required to respond both individually and collectively. Learners have little influence over the con­tent of learning, since content is determined by the teacher, who must follow the imperative-based format for lessons.

Like Learner’s roles, in this method have teacher roles, The teacher plays an active and direct role in Total Physical Response. “The instructor is the director of a stage play in which the students are the actors”. It is the teacher who decides what to teach, who models and presents the new materials, and who selects supporting materials for classroom use. The teacher is encouraged to be well pre­pared and well organized so that the lesson flows smoothly and predictably.

The instructional material have been roles, As the course de­velops, the teacher will need to make or collect supporting materials to support teaching points. These may include pictures, realia, slides, and word charts.

Next, we talks about the procedure of this method, The teacher in TPR should foster an atmosphere of general euphoria. It is important to ease as much as possible the tension of performing the commands in front of their peers. Collective participation should be encouraged from the beginning. Also, in keeping with the target language, a name in the target language is assigned to each student. Each student places name card on the desk so it can be read easily even though it is an optional thing to do.

To sum up of this method, the advocated of TPR believe that language learners should understand the target language before speaking. Language learners can learn through observing actions themselves ( Larsen – freeman , 1986 : 114 and 2000). By observing actions and performing , they will understand the language they are learning. The meaning of words can be understood by making associations between the utterance they hear and the actions they are observing. The meanings of words they may guess will be internalized by performing the actions in accordance with the commands.

[su_spoiler title=”May, 3th 2011.” style=”simple”]

May, 3th 2011.

The next meeting in tefl class, we discuss about Communicative Language Teaching. We are studying it in May 3th 2011. This title is the seven presentation. In presentation, the presenter tell us about aspects of the learning, such as : Background theory, Approach : the theory of language, Theory of learning, Design of teaching:  objective of the method, Syllabus, Types of learning and teaching activities, Learner’s roles, Teacher roles, Roles of instructional, Procedure, Conclusion.

Based on aspects, they tells us about summarize the materials in the box as concise, and clear as possible . And then, in background theory is The origins of Communicative Language Teaching are to be found in the changes in the british language teaching tradition dating from the late 1960s. Until then, situational language representated the major British approach to teaching English as a foreign language. In situational language teaching, language was taught by practicing basic structures in meaningful situation based activities.

Next, they give explain theory of language. That approach, British applied linguistics emphasized another fundamental dimension of language that was inadequately addresed in current approaches to language teaching at the time-the functional and communicative potential of language. They saw the need focus in language teaching on  communicative proficiency rather than on mere mastery of structures.

In theory of learning contrast to the amount that has been written in Communicative Language Teaching literatur about communicat dimension of language, little has been written about  learning theory . Neither Brumfit and Johnson ( 1979) nor Litlewood(1981) for example offers any discussion of learning theory.

But, in design of teaching about objective of the method Here are some of the objectives of Communicative Language Teaching:

·      Students will learn to use language as a means of expression.

·      Students will use language as a means of expressing values and judgments.

·         Students will learn to express the functions that best meet their own communication needs.

Lets look on syllabus that Discussion of the nature of syllabus have been central in CTL. We have seen that one of the first syllabus models to be proposed was described as a national syllabus ( Wilkins 1976) whish specified the semantic grammatical categories (e.g., frequency, motion, location) and the categories of communicative function that learners need to express. Communicative language teaching often uses a functional-notional syllabus. Yalden(1987) has classified a number of communicative syllabus types.

In this method have types of learning and teaching activities like the range of exercise types and activities compatible with a communcative approach is unlimited, provided that such exercise enable learners to attain the communicative objectives of the curriculum, engage learners in communication and require the use of such communicative processes as information sharing, negotiation of meaning and interaction.

Besides of types learning and teaching activities, it can see Learner’s roles that the emphasis in CTL on the processes of communication, rather than mastery of language

Like Learner’s roles, in this method have teacher roles:

The first role is to faciliate the commincation process between all participants in the classroom, and between these participants and the various activites and texts.

The second role is to act as an independent participant within the learning teaching group.

The instructional material have been roles, A wide variety of materials have been used to support communicative approaches to language teaching. Unlike some contemporary methodologies, such as Community Language Learning, practitioners of Com­municative Language Teaching view materials as a way of influencing the quality of classroom interaction and language use.

Next, we talks about the procedure of this method It is difficult to summarize the procedure in communicative classes because of the wide variety of activities used.

To sum up of this method CLT is the best considered an approach rather than a method. Thus although a reasonable degree ofrtheoritical con sistency can be discerned at the levels of language and learning theory, at the levels of design and procedure there is much greater room for individual interpretation and variati. It on than most method permit. It could be that one version among the various proposals for syllabus models, exercise types, and classroom activities may gain wider approval in the future giving CLT a status similar to other teaching methods. On the other hand , divergent interpretations might lead to homogeneous subgroups.

[su_spoiler title=”May, 10th 2011.” style=”simple”]

May, 10th 2011.

The next meeting in tefl class, we discuss about  Cooperative Language Learning. We are studying it in May 10th 2011. This title is the last presentation class. In presentation, the presenter tell us about aspects of the learning, such as : Background theory, Approach : the theory of language, Theory of learning, Design of teaching:  objective of the method, Syllabus, Types of learning and teaching activities, Learner’s roles, Teacher roles, Roles of instructional, Procedure, Conclusion.

Based on aspects, they tells us about summarize the materials in the box as concise, and clear as possible . And then, in background theory is CLL is a part of a more general instructional approach also known as collaborative learning. Cooperative Learning is an approach to teaching that makes maximum use of cooperative activities involving pairs and small groups of learners in the classroom.

Next, they give explain theory of language. That approach devide into :

1.      Interactive and cooperative nature of language.

2.      Communication as a primary purpose of language.

3.      Most speech is organized as conversation.

4.      Communication takes places upon certain agreed upon set of cooperative rules.

5.      We learn these social rules in conversation al interaction.

In theory of learning Role devide into :

1.      of social interaction in learning.

2.      Development of critical thinking skills.

3.      Learning must emphasize on cooperation, not on competition.

4.      Increase and variety of second language practice.

But, in design of teaching about objective of the method Since CLL is an approach  design to foster cooperation rather than competition to develop critical thinking skills and to develop communicative competence through socially structured interaction activities, these can be regarded as the overall objectives of CLL. More specific objectives will derive the context in which it is used.

Lets look on syllabus that CLL does not assume any particular form of language syllabus, since activities from a wide variety of curriculum orientations can be taught via cooperative learning. Thus we find CLL used in eching content classes ESP, the for skills, grammar, pronounciation and vocabulary.

In this method have types of learning and teaching activities like Johnson et al ( 1994:4-5) describe three types of cooperative learning groups :

1.      formal cooperative learning groups.

2.      Informal cooperative learning groups.

3.      Cooperative based groups.

Besides of types learning and teaching activities, it can see Learner’s roles that

1. Work collaborativelly on tasks with other group members.

2. Must learn teamwork skills.

Like Learner’s roles, in this method have teacher roles ,there are :

1.      Create a highly structured and well organized learning environment in the classroom.

2.      Be a facilitator of learning.

3.      Move around the class and helping students and groups.

The instructional material have been roles, the roles are :

1.      Create opportunities for students to work cooperatively.

2.      Materials can be specially designed for CLL learning, modefed from existing materials, or borrowed from other disciplines.

Next, we talks about the procedure of this method devide in five stage, there are :

Stage 1 : Reflection.
Stage 2 : Recorded conversation.
Stage 3 :  Discussion.
Stage 4 : Transcription.
Stage 5 : Language analysis.

To sum up of this method Although CLL is primarily meant as a ‘whole’ approach to teaching I have found it equally useful for an occasional lesson, especially with teenagers. It enables me to refocus on the learner while my students immediately react positively to working in a community.


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