Contoh Kata Sifat Yang Berakhir Dengan -Ing (Adjective -Ing )Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap Dengan Latihan Soal
Pada kesempatan hari ini, kita akan membahas tentang Adjective. Adjective yang dikenal dengan kata sifat merupakan salah satu jenis kata yang berguna untuk menyatakan atau memberikan sifat sebuah benda (baik itu manusia, binatang maupun benda). Ada beberapa bentuk dari adjective itu sendiri salah satunya adalah adjective –ing. Apakah yang dimaksud dengan adjective –ing itu sendiri? Adjective –ing merupakan salah satu jenis kata sifat yang terbentuk dari kata sifat tertentu yang mendapatkan akhiran –ing untuk membuat sifat tersebut lebih mendominasi. Adapun dari beberapa kata yang bisa menjadi adjective –ing, antara lain sebagai berikut:
- Bore à Boring (Membosankan)
- Interest à Interesting (Menarik)
- Charm à Charming (Mempesona)
- Tire à Tiring (Melelahkan)
- Surprise à Surprising (Mengejutkan)
- Shock à Shocking (Mengagetkan)
- Enjoy à Enjoying (Menyenangkan)
- Excite à Exciting (Menakjubkan)
- Satisfy à Satisfying (Memuaskan)
- Appoint à Appointing (Menyenangkan)
- Dan lain sebagainya
Inget yah kawan bahwa tidak semua jenis kata sifat atau kata yang lainnya bisa menjadi kata sifat berakhiran –ing (adjective –ing).
Sekarang cobalah untuk menganalisa kira-kira kata sifat apa yang sesuai dengan kalimat dibawah ini:
- I was so long to wait here, moreover there was no anyone who could talk with me. Do you know that waiting is the most (boring/ interesting/surprising) thing according to me?
- We had to walk along the road for three hours, and we had to climb the hill and the mountain. It was a (boring/tiring/enjoying) day but after getting the top of the mountain we saw the beautiful views. We could see the villages, roads, rice fields and others places.
- There is no reason to not watch the movie. There are many good actions, good actors or actress and also the background of that movie which will you enjoy. It is a (interesting/boring/tiring) movie about the adventure.
- Our teacher comes to the class to announce who will get the highest score in English lesson. Everybody has an opinion that Sandra is the highest. But how (surprising/ charming/ boring) it is,,,Fairuz is the highest score in our class.
- In that resort, we are serviced by the officer from entering until leaving. In that resort we get the welcome drink and also many (shocking/ surprising/ enjoying) game both out game or inside game. They are enjoying.
- When I stayed in that hotel. I found that the water was so dirty, the room was so messy and also the air conditioner was in problem. I had told about it but the officers were not care. It was (dissatisfying/ enjoying/ surprising) and I will not come back again.
- There are many audients who fill the stadion. They want to watch the concert and have waited since two hours ago. The (exciting/ tiring/ boring) performance is their wants.
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