Pengertian, Generic Structure, Tujuan Dan Contoh Teks News Item Terbaru Disertai Soal Latihan

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Pengertian, Generic Structure, Tujuan Dan Contoh Teks News Item Terbaru Disertai Soal Latihan

Hai sahabat SBI (Study bahasa Inggris), what are you doing now ? Kira-kira adakah di antara kalian yang sedang membaca sebuah berita sekarang ini, atau dalam istilah bahasa Inggris di sebut dengan News. Nah lalu yang di maksud dengan News Item apa yaa…. Kalian penasaran kan ? Yuk, biar tidak penasaran lagi kita belajar mengenai Pengertian, Generic Structure, Tujuan Dan Contoh Teks News Item berikut ini :

News item is a text which informs readers about events of the day. The events are considered newsworthy or important. (news item adalah sebuah tulisan atau teks yang memberikan informasi terbaru (terupdate dan teraktual) dimana informasi tersebut layak dan penting untuk diberitakan ).

The Purpose of News Item, Tujuan utama dari pembuatan teks berita tentu untuk memberikan informasi kepada pembaca atau pendengar tentang berita terbaru. Jadi syaratnya harus berita hangat, sehingga biasanya diberi tanggal dan tempat berita.

Generic Structure, susunan umum news item dalam bentuk berita, berikut ini :

  1. Newsworthy event : berita utama dari suatu peristiwa (sekilas tentang inti berita).
  2. Background event :  latar belakang peristiwa secara rinci melibatkan bagaimana dan mengapa peristiwa itu terjadi.
  3. Source : Sumber yang memberikan informasi berkaitan dengan suatu peristiwa.

Linguistic Features ( Ketatabahasaan ) dalam News Item adalah:

  1. Melibatkan verbal verbs atau kata kerja yang berupa penyampaian informasi seperti: said, informed,told, reported, dan lain sebagainya.
  2. Karena menggunakan verbal verbs, maka hampir seluruh tulisan news item terdapat kalimat langsung yang ditandai appostrof atau tanda kutip (…….)
  3. Place and time : Dalam penulisan berita biasanya terdapat penjelasan tanggal atau hari dan tempat peristiwa terjadi.
  4. Menggunakan Past tensedalam menerangkan kejadian berita. Namun jika itu berupa fakta yang sampai sekarang masih terjadi atau masih berupa fakta, maka bisa menggunakan simple present tense.

Contoh News Item dan Terjemahannya :

[su_spoiler title=”Contoh I News Item : Mon key Forest Gets Kalpataru Nomination  ” open=”yes” style=”simple” icon=”caret”]

Mon key Forest Gets Kalpataru Nomination”

Monkey Forest gets Kalpataru Nomination Ubud: The sacred Monkey Forest of Padangtegal in Ubud, Gianyar, has been nominated for the Kalpataru Awards 2012 along with other 13 nominees across Indonesia.Kalpataru Awards are the highest distinction for environment-related achievements by individuals, businesses and places. The Awards are usually presented by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono in conjunction with World Environment Day, which falls every June 5.

The Monkey Forest is owned by the village of Padangtegal and is currently under the management of Padangtegal Wenara Wana Foundation. It is home to rare and endangered flora and plants. It is also home to around 605 Balinese long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis).

Together with Udayana University, the foundation identified a number of rare plants in the forest. There are around 115 species of plants, while some of the trees are considered sacred and holy, only being used for spiritual and religious purposes.

Tas Diantoro Hadi, chairman of the Kalpataru Awards National Committee, said that the Monkey Forest was the only candidate from Bali this year. “We will categorize the Monkey Forest as a forest conservation nominee,” he said.


[su_spoiler title=”Terjemahannya :” style=”simple” icon=”caret”]

Monkey Forest Mendapat Nominasi Kalpataru “

Monkey Forest mendapat Nominasi Kalpataru Ubud: The suci Monkey Forest dari Padang tegal di Ubud, Gianyar, telah dinominasikan untuk Kalpataru Awards 2012 bersama dengan 13 nominator lainnya di seluruh Indonesia. Kalpataru Awards adalah penghargaan tertinggi untuk prestasi yang berhubungan dengan lingkungan oleh individu, bisnis dan tempat. Penghargaan biasanya disajikan oleh Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dalam hubungannya dengan Hari Lingkungan Hidup Sedunia, yang jatuh setiap tanggal 5 Juni.

Monkey Forest dimiliki oleh desa Padang tegal dan saat ini di bawah manajemen Padangtegal Wenara Wana Foundation. Ini adalah rumah bagi flora dan tanaman langka dan terancam punah. Hal ini juga rumah bagi sekitar 605 Bali kera ekor panjang (Macaca fascicularis).

Bersama dengan Universitas Udayana, yayasan mengidentifikasi sejumlah tanaman langka di hutan. Ada sekitar 115 spesies tanaman, sementara beberapa pohon dianggap keramat dan suci, hanya digunakan untuk tujuan spiritual dan keagamaan.

Tas Diantoro Hadi, ketua Komite Nasional Kalpataru Awards, mengatakan bahwa Monkey Forest adalah satu-satunya calon dari Bali tahun ini. “Kami akan mengkategorikan Monkey Forest sebagai calon konservasi hutan,” katanya.


[su_spoiler title=”Contoh II News Item : Rain Flushed Continuously, Aceh Jaya Affected the Flood” open=”yes” style=”simple” icon=”caret”]

Rain Flushed Continuously, Aceh Jaya Affected the Flood

Heavy rain which has flushed the South Coast region of Aceh with high intensity during the last 3 days resulted the overflow of the river Krueng along the nine districts in Aceh Jaya region. Thousands of homes flooded in District Jaya, District Indra Jaya, District Sampoiniet, District Setia Bakti, Daru, District Sabee, District Panga, District Teunom and District Pasie.

The water level ranged from 1 cm to 2 meters. Most citizens had move to the second floor of their homes, but there were some citizens still staying at home in some places in the district Teunom and Pasie because the water did not puddle too high. Besides flooding the home, it also paralyzed the activities of citizens. According to the officer of the Regional Disaster Management Agency of Aceh Jaya, Hanafi Dali, until now there have been no fatalities in this incident. While material losses are estimated at hundreds of millions of dollars. The aids have been provided through Regional Disaster Management Agency in supplying rice, blankets and clothes. But for distribution still unreached in two districts which suffered the worst flood, with a height water reached 1.5-2 meters in the district Jaya and Panga. Therefore, through Regional Disaster Management Agency immediately prepare rubber boats to deliver the aids, also evacuating residents.

“The Regional Disaster Management has distributed the aids for the citizens in emergency situations, but due to limited stock and there are some areas still difficult to reach, not all assistance can be dispensed evenly, but we will try to channel all the assistance provided, “said Hanafi Darli. Officers of The Regional Disaster Management also alert in response the flood reports in Aceh Jaya district, due to the rain which is flushing continuously.


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Hujan Deras Terus Menerus, Aceh Jaya Dilanda Banjir

Hujan deras yang mengguyur daerah Pantai Selatan Aceh dengan intensitas tinggi selama 3 hari terakhir mengakibatkan meluapnya sungai Krueng yang melintasi sembilan kecamatan di kabupaten Aceh Jaya Provinsi Aceh. Ribuan rumah terendam air di Kecamatan Jaya, Kecamatan Indra Raya, Kecamatan Sampo, Kecamatan Setia Bakti, Kecamatan Daru, Kecamatan Sabee, Kecamatan Panga, Kecamatan Teunom dan Kecamatan Pasie.

Ketinggian air berkisar antara 1 cm sampai 2 meter. Sebagian besar warga terpaksa berpindah ke lantai dua rumah mereka, namun masih ada yang tetap tinggal di rumah di beberapa tempat di kecamatan Teunom dan Pasie Raya karena genangan airnya tidak terlalu tinggi. Selain merendam rumah, banjir juga melumpuhkan aktivitas warga. Menurut pantauan petugas Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah Aceh Jaya, Irfan Darli, hingga saat ini belum ada korban jiwa dalam kejadian ini, sedangkan kerugian materil diperkirakan mencapai ratusan juta rupiah. Bantuan telah diberikan melalui BPBD berupa beras, selimut dan pakaian alakadarnya. Namun untuk penyalurannya masih belum terjangkau di dua kecamatan yang mengalami banjir terparah, dengan ketinggian air mencapai 1,5-2 meter di kecamatan Jaya dan Panga. Untuk itu, BPBD segera mempersiapkan perahu karet untuk menyalurkan bantuan, juga mengevakuasi warga yang terjebak banjir.

“Pihak kami telah bergerak menyalurkan bantuan di situasi darurat banjir ini, namun akibat keterbatasan stok dan ada daerah yang masih sulit dijangkau, belum semua bantuan dapat didistrubusikan secara merata, namun kami akan berusaha menyalurkannya dalam waktu secepatnya,” tandas Irfan Darli. Petugas BPBD juga siap siaga dalam merespon laporan banjir di kabupaten Aceh Jaya mengingat hujan masih terus mengguyur.



Choose the right answer by crossing a, b, c, r or e.

Text 1

Bridge breaks in Central Java, killing 5 people and injuring 29 others. A footbridge packed with tourists broke at a mountainous resort on Java Island. Wednesday, killing five people and injuring 29 after they plunged into a rocky riverbed, police and tourist officials said. The victims were evacuated to three nearby hospitals, said Surono, an employee at the Batu raden resort in Central Java province, adding that they fell more than 20 meters (yards) after one of the steel cables holding the small bridge snapped. Local police chief Emron Putra Agung said five people were killed and 29 injured. The accident occurred as the country enjoys a weeklong holiday marking the end of the Islamic month Ramadan, when people traditionally flock to holiday sites. Batu raden, located 300 kilometers (190 miles) east of the capital Jakarta, is one of the most popular resorts on the slopes of Mount Slamet (3,428 meters, 11,246 feet), Java’s second-highest peak.

1. The text tells us about ….

a. the evacuation of the victims.
b. the tourist resort in Central Java.
c. the killing of five visitors in Baturaden.
d. the accident on the broken bridge in Baturaden.
e. the popular tourist resort in Central Java.

2. Some local tourist were killed and injured in Baturaden when ….

a. they were swimming in the river.
b. they were enjoying the landscape on the small bridge.
c. they were in the riverbed.
d. they were climbing Mount Slamet, Central Java.
e. they were swinging on the small bridge over the rocky river.

3. The footbridge in Baturaden broke because ….

a. it couldn’t afford supporting overload.
b. it had been too old to walk on.
c. it had not been used for long time.
d. it lied on the slope of Mount Slamet.
e. it was used to evacuate the victims.

4. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?

a. The broken footbridge killed five visitors.
b. The accident happened at the end of Ramadhan.
c. The victims were left behind without relief.
d. The visitors were killed because of falling into a rocky riverbed.
e. The bridge broke because of one of the broken steel cables.

5. …. killing five people and injuring 29 after they plunged intoa rocky riverbed, What is the similar meaning of the words “plunged into”?

a. fell back                    d. fell on
b. fell away                   e. fell down
c. fell off

Text 2

Lapindo Brantas Inc. is dumping contaminated water from the Sidoarjo mudflow disaster directly into the Porong River without treating it first as promised, witnesses claim.The company has denied it has dumped untreated water into the river. Witnesses claimed they had seen water from retaining ponds being channeled directly into the river.

The two pipes were connected to the river from one of the ponds near Pejarakan Jabon village. Three pumps have also been installed to distribute water from the pond to the river. A TV journalist, Medi, said the pipes were set up in Thursday by soldiers from the Kepanjen battalion in Malang. Of the two pipes, only one was operating Friday, he said.

State Minister of Environment Rachmat Witoelar earlier said the water must not be dumped into seas or rivers without being treated. The ministry earlier said the mud was non-toxic and safe, despite a study published in a government magazine that said the mud contained a number of dangerous chemicals.

6. What type of text is used by the writer?

a. report                  d. news item
b. recount               e. description
c. narrative


7. The communicative purpose of this text is….

a. To describe  a particular accident
b. To share an amusing incident
c. To entertain the reader
d. To inform the reader about the case
e. To retell for the purpose of informing and entertaining.


8. What did the company conceal from the local people?

a. the mudflow dumping into the Porong River.
b. the water distribution into the pond.
c. the mud pumping into the gas installation.
d. the contaminated water channeling into the sea.
e. the treated water flow into the river.


9. It has dumped untreated water into the river. ( Paragraph 1)
What does It in the above text refer to….

a. Lapindo Brantas Inc.  d. Mud
b. The manager                e.  Witnesses
c. Government


10. …. despite a study publishedin a government magazine that said the mud contained a number of dangerous chemicals.

a. distributed                   d. broadcasted
b. circulated                     e. issued
c. printed

[su_spoiler title=”Key Answer” style=”simple” icon=”caret”]

  1. D
  2. E
  3. B
  4. C
  5. E
  6. D
  7. D
  8. E
  9. D
  10. E


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