Asking About Dissatisfaction

5 Contoh Dialog Percakapan Asking About Dissatisfaction dan Artinya Terbaru

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5 Contoh Dialog Percakapan Asking About Dissatisfaction dan Artinya Terbaru The dissatisfaction asking merupakan salah satu cara kita untuk menanyakan ketidakpuasan kita terhadap sebuah situasi atau benda yang sedang atau pernah kita hadapi. Adapun adab atau ungkapan yang dimaksud antara lain:

  • Why do you look so dissatisfied with that wall painting?
    (Kenapa kamu terlihat sangat tidak puas dengan lukisan dinding itu?)
  • Do you have any complaints?
    (Apakah anda memiliki keluhan?)
  • What’s the matter with it, it is not good?
    (Ada apa dengan itu, itu tidak baik?)
  • Was the story not good for you?
    (Apakah ceritanya tidak baik untukmu?)
  • Dan lain sebagainya

Berikut ini adalah contoh dialog percakapan asking about dissatisfaction dalam bahasa inggris.

[su_box title=”Conversation I” box_color=”#3041eb”]
Vera : Have you ever gone to the Bali with this travel agency?
(Pernahkah kamu pergi ke Bali dengan biro perjalanan ini?)
Bintang : Yes, I have. Do you want to use that travel agency?
(Ya, aku pernah. Apakah kamu ingin menggunakan biro perjalanan itu?)
Vera : Yes, I do.
Bintang : Don’t you want to choose another one?
(Tidakkah kamu mau memilih yang lain?)
Vera : Why do you look so dissatisfied of it?
(Kenapa kamu terlihat sangat tidak puas dengan itu?)
Bintang : The meal and schedule were not organized
(Makan dan jadwal tidak diatur)
Vera : Thank for your information
(Terima kasih atas informasinya)

  1. According to you, where will Vera want to go?
  2. Why did Bintang feel dissatisfied?
  3. Who has ever go to the Bali?

[su_box title=”Conversation II” box_color=”#3041eb”]
Pury : Leo, you have suggested me to go the that shop. But the service was not good
(Leo, kamu telah menyarankan aku untuk pergi ke toko itu. Tapi layanannya tidak bagus)
Leo : Really? I don’t believe
(Benarkah kamu tidak percaya)
Pury : I could not find the product that I want, the air conditioner was not on an the cashier was not friendly
(Aku tidak bisa menemukan produk yang aku inginkan, AC tidak ada di kasir yang tidak ramah)
Leo : I have to give complaint of it.
(Aku harus memberikan pengaduan itu.)
Pury : Do you know the owner?
(Apa kamu kenal pemiliknya?)
Leo : He is my niece
(Dia keponakanku)

  1. Who is the owner of that shop?
  2. Why she felt dissatisfied?
  3. What the meaning of “cashier”?

[su_box title=”Conversation III” box_color=”#3041eb”]
Sekar : My father is hospitalized in Jaya
(Ayahku dirawat di rumah sakit di Jaya)
Lisa : Why do you move him there?
(Kenapa kamu memindahkannya ke sana?)
Sekar : The service was not good. The room was so messy
(Layanannya tidak bagus. Ruangan itu sangat berantakan)
Lisa : It is better for his recovery
(Lebih baik untuk pemulihannya)

  1. Where is sekar’s father hospitalized?
  2. Why did she move him in other hospital ?
  3. What is the synonym of “messy”?

[su_box title=”Conversation IV” box_color=”#3041eb”]
Johanes : I have ever got in the bus, the condition was so bad.
(Aku pernah naik bus, kondisinya sangat buruk.)
Linka : What is your reasons?
(Apa alasanmu?)
Johanes :  Imagine!!! The seat was so hard, the floor was so dirty and the driver drove not carefully
(Bayangkan !!! Tempat duduknya sangat keras, lantainya sangat kotor dan sopirnya menyetir dengan tidak hati-hati)
Linka : We have to be carefully to choose the best bus
(Kita harus hati-hati memilih bus terbaik)

  1. What do they talk about?
  2. What does the bus look like?
  3. What is the synonym of “seat”?

[su_box title=”Conversation V” box_color=”#3041eb”]
Mother : Please deliver me to the Sonia bakery
(Tolong mengantarkan aku ke toko roti Sonia)
Nicta : Please don’t go there. I don’t like there
(Tolong jangan pergi kesana aku tidak suka di sana)
Mother : Why?
Nicta : There were many flies onto the cake
(Ada banyak lalat ke kue)
Mother : Do you have any recommendation for cake?
(Apakah kamu punya rekomendasi untuk kue?)
Nicta  : Faleria cake and cookies it is more delicious
(Faleria cake dan cookies itu lebih enak)
Mother : Go now before afternoon
(Pergilah sekarang sebelum siang)

  1. What will they want to buy?
  2. Where did mother want to buy the cake at the first time?
  3. Where will they go?

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Originally posted 2024-03-28 22:55:40.