Quantity Expression : Pengertian, Jenis, Contoh Kalimat dan Soal

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Sahabat SBI ( Study bahasa Inggris ) seringkali menjumpai penggunaan kata  : some , any, few, a few , dsb. Namun akankah penggunaan nya memiliki kesamaan dalam segala bentuk kata benda baik benda terhitung atau benda tak terhitung ?

Seringkali dalam bahasa inggris, terutama bagi para pemula sering kebingungan untuk menjelaskan permasalah dalam materi ini. Penggunaan exspression of quantity atau penggunaan banyak atau sedikit suatu benda membingungkan banyak pemula pengguna bahasa inggris.

Untuk itu, kali ini saya akan memberikan penjelasan mengenai “ quantity expression ( banyak vs sedikit )”, dalam uraian artikel di bawah ini :

A. Some and any ( beberapa )

Some dan any bisa diikuti countable noun dalam bentuk plural atau uncountable noun. Some digunakan dalam kalimat positif, sedang any digunakan dalam kalimat negative atau interrogative. Baik some maupun any kalau diikuti uncountable noun ( kata benda tak terhitung ) di artikan sedikit.

Example :

  1. She needed some sugar for her coffee
    She didn’t need any sugar for her coffee
    Did she need any sugar for her coffee ?
  2. There are some students in front of the Museum
    There aren’t  any students in front of the Museum
    Are there any students in front of the Museum ?

B. Many , much, a lot of ( banyak )

Many diikuti oleh countable noun bentuk plural (jamak ), much diikuti oleh uncountable noun  dan a lot of diikuti oleh countable maupun uncountable noun.

Example :

  1. I saw many cows in the garden.
  2. John has much money, so he wants to treat us.
  3. I need a lot of paint to paint the wall.

C.  Few, a few, a little, little ( sedikit )

Few dan a few di gunakan dengan countable noun bentuk plural. Little dan a little di gunakan untuk uncountable noun.

Example :

  1. Hasan made a few mistakes
    Hasan made few mistakes ( he hardly has any mistakes )
  2. I have a little money.
    I have little money. ( I hardly have money )

D. Both ( keduanya ), several ( beberapa ), all ( semuanya ) / all of di gunakan dengan countable noun bentuk plural.

Example :

  1. Both of the girls are beautiful.
  2. Several cats are running.
  3. All people need water in their lives.

E. A large amount of, a small amount of digunakan dengan uncountable noun.

Example :        

  1. The boy has eaten a large amount of ice cream.
  2. Father is buying a small amount of paint.

Contoh Soal dan Latihan Soal Tentang Expression of Quantity

Add some or any as required !

  • There isn’t ……………….. ink in the bottle.
  • Please give me ………… pudding. I’m sorry but there isn’t …………..
  • Mother has ……………… fine flowers in the garden.
  • We had ……………………. tea but there wasn’t …………… sugar to put in it.
  • I have ………………………. books on mathematics.

[su_spoiler title=”Kunci Jawaban :” style=”fancy” icon=”folder-2″ anchor=”lihat kunci jawaban”]

  • Any
  • Some , Any
  • Some
  • Some, Any
  • Some


Choose the correct words from the blankets !

  • ( a little , a few ) people didn’t bring any tickets in the train.
  • ( all , every ) students have come to this meeting.
  • Syarifudin is going to buy ( some , any ) petrol in the tank.
  • Gunarto has been collecting ( all of , a little ) stamps.
  • The poor child has eaten ( all of, a little ) the food greedily.

[su_spoiler title=”Kunci Jawaban :” style=”fancy” icon=”folder-2″ anchor=”lihat kunci jawaban”]

  • A few
  • All
  • Some
  • All of
  • A little


Sebagai latihan untuk mengasah kemampuan bahasa inggris anda terkait dengan materi ini, seselaikanlah contoh latihan soal di bawah ini :

Answer the question below !

  • Rustam: “ What did she make ?”
    Ruslan  : “ She made ……………. Mistakes that caused her mother angry.”

    1. Any
    2. Some
    3. a little
    4. Little
  • Merry : “ Is there much paint in the tin ?”
    Miko    : “ No, there is only ………. Paint in it.”

    1. a few
    2. Few
    3. a little
    4. Little
  • My uncle needs………. to build that house.
    1. a large amount of money
    2. a small amount of money
    3. Few money
    4. a little money
  • The teachers know the name of …….. boy in the classroom.
    1. Few
    2. Every
    3. Many
    4. A few
  • Yanto  : “ Are there many fruits in your garden ?”
    Manto  : “ No, only ……….”

    1. a few
    2. a little
    3. Many
    4. a small
  • We go to school ………….. day to study.
    1. Any
    2. Many
    3. Some
    4. Every
  • We still have much sugar but there is no ……………. Tea
    1. Some
    2. Much
    3. Any
    4. Many
  • There ……………………. Of water in the glass.
    1. Are much
    2. Is few
    3. Is small amount
    4. Is a large amount
  • My tea is too sweet. Did you put ……… sugar in the drink ?
    1. a small amount of
    2. a large amount of
    3. a small number of
    4. a few of
  • Mela : “What did your mother buy in the supermarket ?”
    Arif     : “My mother bought ………………. Rice and ………… fruits.

    1. a few – much
    2. a few – a lot of
    3. a lot of – many
    4. a little – a few

Demikianlah penjelasan pada kesempatan ini , You have to spare no effort to get your aspiration ( kamu harus bekerja keras untuk memperoleh cita-citamu ) .. tetap semangat belajar sahabat SBI ( Study bahasa Inggris ) dimanapun kalian berada… Gotcha !!!

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Originally posted 2024-03-31 16:01:05.