Question Tag : Pengertian, Rumus, Contoh Kalimat dan Soal Terbaru 2016

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Pengertian , Rumus, Contoh Kalimat QUESTION TAG Serta Contoh Soal Terbaru 2016 Lengkap Dengan Kunci Jawaban

Pagi sahabat SBI (Study bahasa Inggris) , salam hangat untuk semuanya. Pada kesempatan ini, saya akan membahas tentang Grammar yaitu Pengertian , Ketentuan pembentukan question tag beserta contoh dan kunci jawabannya. Untuk kalian yang sedang membutuhkan atau mempelajari materi ini di sekolah, yuk kita belajar bersama-sama pada artikel di bawah ini :

Pengertian Question Tag

Question Tag adalah pertanyaan yang biasanya ditambahkan di belakang statement (pernyataan) yang digunakan untuk konfirmasi/mempertegas suatu pernyataan.

  • The man is a doctor, isn’t he ?
  • He works in the hospital, doesn’t he ?

Bagian kalimat yang dicetak tebal sebagaimana tersebut diatas adalah yang dinamakan Question tag.

Rumus / Pola Question Tag

linking verb “be”/auxiliary verb +/- not + pronoun


  • linking verb “be” yaitu: is, am, are, was, were, sedangkan auxiliary verb berupa primary auxiliary verb (be, do, have) atau modal auxiliary verb (will, would, may, may, might, can, could, shall, should) yang cocok dengan verb pada bagian pernyataan.
  • Pronoun disesuaikan dengan subject pada bagian pernyataan.

Ketentuan membentuk question tag :

  1. Jika statement-nya positif, question tag-nya negative.
    Shinta is clever girl, isn’t she ?
  1. Jika statement-nya negative, tag-nya positif.
    She is not a stupid girl, is she ?
  1. Auxiliary verb yang terdapat dalam statement, di gunakan lagi dalam question tag.
    She can drive a car, can’t she ?
  1. Jika statement tidak mengandung auxiliary verb tag-nya menggunakan do, does atau did sesuai dengan bentuk kata kerja yang terdapat pada statement.
  • They play football in the yard, don’t they?
  • He plays football in the yard, doesn’t he ?
  • They played football in the yard, didn’t they ?
  1. Subjek yang ada pada statement digunakan lagi dalam question tag, jika subjek tersebut pronoun (kata ganti).
    We must obey our parents, musn’t we ?
  1. Jika subjek ; bukan pronoun, question tag menggunakan pronoun yang sesuai.
    Tasmia was absent yesterday, wasn’t she ? (bukan wasn’t Tasmia).
  1. Statement dengan memakai kata ganti semi negative, question tag positif ( never, seldom, hardly, barely, scarely).
    Firda never comes to the meeting, does she ?
  1. Question tag bagi kalimat majemuk dibuat berdasarkan clause yang akan di tegaskan.
    If you study diligently, you will be clever, won’t you ?
  1. Subjek there di gunakan lagi dalam question tag.
    There was an accident this morning, wasn’t there ?
  1. Kata ganti untuk something, everything, anything, nothing adalah it. Sedangkan someone, somebody, everyone, no one, nobody, anyone, anybody adalah they.

[su_note note_color=”#f9f979″ radius=”5″]

Perkecualian :

I am very early this morning, aren’t I ? atau
I am very early this morning, am I not ?


I am not very late, am I ? [/su_note]

Contoh Soal Question Tag :

1. We will have an examination next semester, —————– ?

  • haven’t we
  • don’t we
  • won’t we
  • won’t have we

2. Hepty             : “That boy can run very fast, ————- ?”

Yani                : “ Yes, ———————.”

  • can he – he can
  • can he – he can’t
  • can’t he – he can’t
  • can’t he – he can

3. You have a big breakfast this morning,——————– ?

  • don’t you
  • do you
  • haven’t you
  • have you

4. I am very happy this morning, ———————- ?

  • am no I
  • am I
  • are I
  • aren’t I

5. My sister cut her finger last night, ————-?

  • didn’t she
  • doesn’t she
  • isn’t she
  • wasn’t she

6. Firman             : “Putra has just left for Bandung, ———-?”
Shinta              : “ Yes, he has.”

  • doesn’t he
  • does he
  • hasn’t he
  • has he

7. Heru                 : “He forgot to mail this letter,————–?”

Mr. Sutawar    : “Yes, he ———–.”

  • doesn’t he – does
  • wasn’t he – was
  • didn’t he – did
  • did he – did

8. You must not break regulation, ——————?

  • mustn’t you
  • must you
  • don’t you
  • aren’t you

9. Shinta           : “You study very hard,—————-?”

Aida                : “Yes, of course.”

  • must you
  • didn’t you
  • aren’t you
  • don’t you

10. Ifan                 : “Yudi and Nughroho will go to Semarang tomorrow,—————— ?”

Mr. Deny         : “ I think so.”

  • will not she
  • won’t she
  • will they
  • won’t you

11. Khoirul and Mr. Anang weren’t at home yesterday,—————–?

  • aren’t they
  • do they
  • were they
  • weren’t they

12. Yuli hardly finishes doing this test, ———–?

  • doesn’t she
  • does she
  • isn’t she
  • is she

[su_spoiler title=”Kunci Jawaban” open=”yes” style=”fancy” icon=”arrow”]

  1. won’t you
  2. can’t he – he can
  3. haven’t you
  4. aren’t I
  5. didn’t she
  6. hasn’t he
  7. didn’t he – did
  8. must you
  9. don’t you
  10. won’t they
  11. were they
  12. doesn’t she


Demikian penjelasan materi Question Tag , semoga bermanfaat untuk sahabat SBI (Study bahasa Inggris), never give up to study dan sampai jumpa pada posting berikutnya.

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Originally posted 2024-04-06 22:15:25.